sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011


Na fala:
a) chama o semáforo de 'farol';
b) diz 'bolacha' em vez de biscoito;
c) diz 'cara' em vez de menino;
d) diz 'mina' em vez de menina;
e) diz 'bexiga' em vez de balão;
f) diz 'sorvete', tanto para picolé como para sorvete de massa;
g) acha que não tem sotaque nenhum;
h) ri do sotaque de todo mundo (gaúcho, carioca, mineiro, nordestino,etc...);
i) vê uma pessoa mal vestida e chama de 'baiano';
j) é extremamente possessivo, pois emprega a palavra 'MEU' em praticamente todas as frases.

No clima:
a) fala sobre o tempo para puxar assunto;
b) enfrenta sol, chuva, frio, calor, tudo no mesmo dia e acha legal...
c) sai todo agasalhado de manhã, tira quase tudo a tarde e põe tudo de volta à noite;
d) tem mania de levar o carro para polir no sábado ou no domingo. O carro fica brilhando, só que toda vez que vai sair com ele para passear... CHOVE.

Na praia:
a) fala que vai para praia sem especificar qual;
b) fica a temporada no Guarujá, Maresias ou Ubatuba, mesmo que chova mais do que faça sol;
c) chama Ubatuba de 'Ubachuva';
d) fala mal da Praia Grande, mas toda virada de ano fica sem dinheiro e acaba indo para lá.

Nas esquisitices:
a) faz fila para tudo (elevador, banheiro, ônibus, banco, mercado,casquinha do MC'DONALDS, etc.);
b) repara nas pessoas como se fossem de outro planeta;
c) cumprimenta os vizinhos apenas com 'oi' e 'tchau';
d) espera a semana inteira pelo final de semana e quando ele chega, acaba não fazendo 'nada';
e) convida: 'Passa lá em casa', mas nunca dá o endereço;
f) chama o povo do interior de São Paulo de 'caipira'.
g) convida: "Aparece lá em casa"..como se as pessoas fossem alma penada..

Principal: ri de si mesmo ao perceber que tudo acima é verdade e encaminha para todos os amigos; Abraço a todos paulistanos...Simplesmente excelente.....

quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011

Eventos históricos

1297 - Os escoceses liderados por William Wallace derrotam os ingleses na Batalha de Stirling Bridge, durante a guerra pela independência.
1609 - descoberta do Rio Hudson por Henry Hudson.
1714 - Tomada de Barcelona pelas forças borbónicas durante a Guerra da Sucessão Espanhola
1836 - Rebeldes farroupilhas proclamam a República Rio-Grandense (v. Guerra dos Farrapos).
1857 - Massacre de 150 colonos não-mórmons em Mountain Meadows perto de St. George (Utah), EUA, supostamente por mórmons radicais.
1875 - Fundação da Academia Mexicana de Línguas
1905 - Joaquim Xavier Guimarães Natal é nomeado ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal do Brasil.
1936 - Presidente Franklin Delano Roosevelt inaugura a represa Boulder.
1968 - Lançamento da primeira edição da revista Veja.
1969 - Junta Militar edita o AI-15.
1971 - Morre o líder soviético Nikita Khrushchov.

Ataque contra as Torres Gêmeas do World Trade Centre, em Nova Iorque.1973 - Assassinato do presidente eleito do Chile de Salvador Allende, e bombardeando do Palácio de La Moneda como inicio do golpe militar no Chile, realizado com apoio americano através da CIA e que levou ao poder o ditador militar Pinochet no Chile,cujo regime resultou na morte de cerca de 30,000 pessoas e milhares de desaparecidos e torturados.
1973 - Assassinato da menina Ana Lídia em Brasília/DF.
1985 - Maior acidente ferroviário de que há memória em Portugal.
1987 - Assassinato de Peter Tosh, durante um assalto em sua residência.
1990 - Sancionada, no Brasil, lei de defesa do direito do consumidor
1997 - Chega a Marte a sonda Mars Global Surveyor.
2001 - Ataque terrorista às Torres Gêmeas do World Trade Center de Nova Iorque e ao Pentágono em Washington, provocando cerca de 3000 mortes.
2005 - Israel declara unilateralmente seu desligamento militar nas operações na faixa de Gaza.

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

Berwyn, IL - Histoty

The land that today makes up Berwyn was originally fairly marshy and cold. As the glaciers receded at the end of the last ice age, a giant body of water known as Ancient Lake Chicago was created. Over time Lake Chicago grew smaller and became Lake Michigan, and the stream that connected the lake to Illinois River became a swamp known as Mud Lake. Mud Lake extended nearly to the Southern border of today's Berwyn.

In 1846, the first land in "Berwyn" was deeded to Theodore Doty who built the 8-foot-wide (2.4 m) Plank Road from Chicago to Ottawa. This thoroughfare became what is now Ogden Avenue in South Berwyn. In 1856, Thomas F. Baldwin purchased 347 acres (1.40 km2) of land, bordered by what is now Ogden Avenue, Ridgeland Avenue, 31st Street, and Harlem Avenue, in hopes of developing a rich and aristocratic community called "LaVergne." However, few people were interested in grassy marshland. Mud Lake extended nearly to the Southern border of today's Berwyn, and the land flooded regularly during heavy rains. Also the only mode of transportation to LaVergne was horse and buggy on the Plank Road.

To encourage people to move to LaVergne, Baldwin sold an 80-foot (24 m) wide strip of property to the Burlington and Quincy Railroad in 1862. The rail line opened in 1864, but the train did not stop regularly in the area. The railroad refused to build a station, so the residents of the area constructed LaVergne Station on Ridgeland Avenue in 1874.

However, the financial panic of 1873 and Baldwin's death in 1876 stunted the growth of LaVergne. Baldwin's daughter, Emma, inherited her father's estate, and in 1879 she sold most of the land to a group of realtors controlled by Marshall Field. The new development enacted building codes and stipulated the minimum building cost of each home. By the end of 1880, 12 new homes were built. By 1888, the settlement had grown so much that the Baldwin family donated the triangular piece of land bounded by Ogden Avenue, 34th Street, and Gunderson Avenue so that a school could be built. LaVergne School became the first public building in Berwyn.

In 1890 Charles E. Piper and Wilbur J. Andrews, two Chicago attorneys, purchased a 106-acre (0.43 km2) plot of land from the Field syndicate to develop. The land was bounded by Wesley, Kenilworth, 31st Street, and Ogden Avenues. By the following year, the two received approval from the Cicero Township to double their land holdings.

Piper and Andrews wanted the railroad to a build a station in their development, but the railroad already had stations at La Vergne and at Harlem Avenue. Piper and Andrews decided to build a station with the understanding that trains would stop regularly. They did not know what to name their station so they consulted a Pennsylvania train timetable to a find a name. The name they chose was "Berwyn", a beautiful subdivision outside of Philadelphia. After 1901, all settlements in the area were known as Berwyn.

While Piper and Andrews were developing the Southern portion of present-day Berwyn, John Kelly was helping to develop the North part from 12th Street to 16th Street. This area was really a part of an Oak Park subdivision, and it even appeared on some maps as "South Oak Park." In fact, children who lived in this area went to school in Oak Park. John Kelly was known as "Mr. Everything" because he was a realtor, builder, insurance seller, and community servant.

In between the two settlements there was little except for a few farms. The area between 16th and 31st Streets was not settled. There were only two paths by which to travel between the two settlements, and today these paths are known as Oak Park Avenue and Ridgeland Avenue. Although Berwyn was chartered as a city in 1908, it was not until the 1920s that this middle portion of land was developed.

During this time Berwyn was known as being the area's fastest growing suburb. The city's stringent building codes resulted in block upon block of well-built brick two story bungalows. Many also contained elaborate design elements typically not seen, such as stained glass windows, clay tile roofs, terra cotta, and intricate brick patterns. Today, Berwyn is noted as having the most significant collection of Chicago-style bungalows in the nation.

Fonte: Wikipedia

segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2011

E-Mail Out-of-Office Replies

E-Mail Out-of-Office Replies

CIO — WHEN EXECUTIVES and managers are not available for whatever reason, many create e-mail messages that are sent automatically to anyone who sends them an e-mail.

In keeping with the Memorial Day holiday spirit, here is a compilation, by category, of several we have received from executives and managers throughout the U.S. recently. (Some names, companies and phone numbers have been removed for obvious reasons.)

Just the Facts:
"I will be out of the office starting 04/09/2004 and will not return until 04/19/2004."
"I will be out of the office from 04/16/2004 until 04/19/2004."

Feel Bad:
"Thank you for your message. I am at the annual meeting. I apologize for the inconvenience."

"My last day of employment with the company is Tuesday. For immediate assistance, please contact Tracy."

Just Gone:
"I moved on from Air New Zealand."
"Tom is no longer with the company. If you need assistance, please call Cliff or e-mail him."

Away, but in Touch:
"I am attending the Honeywell User’s Group. I will be checking e-mail three times per day. You can leave a voice message."
"I will be checking my e-mail in the evenings and will check voice-mail throughout the day."

Away, but Reachable:
"I will be out of the office till April 19, without access to e-mail. You can reach my assistant for any urgent matters, as she knows how to reach me."
"If your e-mail requires immediate attention, please leave a voice-mail."
"I will be out of the office from Wednesday April 14 through Friday April 23. I will be checking my BlackBerry for messages during this time."
"If this is urgent, please contact Nancy and she will get in touch with me."

I’m Working, Really:
"I will be out of the office from Wednesday through Friday, on company business. Please forward e-mails that need immediate attention to Joan."
"I will be in all-day meetings Wednesday and Thursday. Should you need immediate assistance, please contact Helen."

Name Dropper:
"I will be out of the office on business in London, followed by vacation through Tuesday."
"I’m in Switzerland on business. I will be online, with occasional delays, and will respond as soon as possible."

Don’t Bother:
"I am out of the office until Monday. I will not be reachable by phone or e-mail."

"Thanks for your e-mail. Please know that I am out of the office until the morning of Monday, enjoying a family holiday and will not see your message until I return."

Passing the Buck (And Not):
"I will be out of the office Wednesday and Thursday. Should your request require immediate assistance, please contact or speak directly with Alice or Sue."
"If your query is business related, please forward it to Chris. If it is personal, please forward to Dave."
"I will be out of town on Friday, returning to the office the afternoon of Monday. This note has not been forwarded."

"I am out of the office attending a conference and then traveling back East. I will check e-mail at least once daily."
"I will be out of the office on a business trip to the West Coast starting Tuesday through Friday."

"I am traveling but will not be checking e-mail. This address is being monitored to provide more immediate assistance."
"Thank you for trying to reach me! I am out of the office traveling on business."

In Case You Care:
"I am out of the office beginning Friday afternoon April 16 attending a series of conferences. Although I will be returning to the office for short periods of time, I will not be in the office for any extended period until Thursday, May 7."
"I will be leaving at 2 p.m. today, but will be back in the office tomorrow morning, around 11 a.m."

Power to the Assistants:
"While I am out of the office, feel free to contact my assistant, Tara, and she will be able to direct your enquiry."
"Sorry to have missed you. I am off on vacation and returning on Monday. My assistant can be reached by calling my number. If she can’t assist, I am certain that she will find someone who will."

Friday Off:
"I am out of the office at a conference through Friday. I will respond to your message on Monday."
"I am out of the office on Friday returning on Monday. If you need immediate assistance, please contact your service manager."


sábado, 4 de junho de 2011

Preços em bairros paulistanos

Diferença de preços em bairros paulistanos chega a 400%

Apontada como a cidade mais cara das Américas, São Paulo tem várias cidades – e custos de vida – dentro de si; veja o infográfico

Apontada como a cidade mais cara das Américas, São Paulo tem várias cidades – e custos de vida – dentro de si; veja o infográfico


quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2011

Vida Digital

As 11 áreas mais valorizadas de TI – e seus salários

A crescente informatização das mais diversas atividades transforma a tecnologia da informação – ou TI, no jargão profissional – em uma área cada vez mais relevante economicamente. A expansão levou à especialização e, atualmente, é possível encontrar várias subáreas de TI dedicadas a tarefas específicas – e que demandam profissionais com conhecimentos igualmente aprofundados. Confira a seguir as principais divisões do setor e os respectivos salários médios pagos a novatos e a profissionais que atingem o topo da carreira, segundo levantamento da Catho Online, site que reúne e tabula ofertas de empregos e currículos. Deve-se levar em conta que o valor dos vencimentos varia de acordo com o porte da empresa e sua localização geográfica – companhias do Sudeste costumam pagar mais.


segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2011

Como evitar um gol contra na carreira

Seu pior rival pode ser você. Conheça as formas mais comuns de autossabotagem e livre-se delas

Por mais que um profissional se dedique e seja competente, pequenos deslizes comportamentais podem levá- lo a prejudicar a si mesmo, comprometendo o crescimento profissional. O gol contra na carreira é o tema do livro Pare de Se Sabotar no Trabalho e Ajude os Outros a Fazer o Mesmo (Editora BestSeller), do consultor americano Mark Goulston. "A autossabotagem é o motivo mais comum pelo qual as pessoas colocam em risco a carreira", diz o autor. Por que as pessoas fazem isso? Trata-se de um problema de fundo psicológico, ligado a sentimentos como medo, insegurança e frustração, acumulados ao longo dos anos.

A pessoa acaba levando questões mal resolvidas na família e na escola para o local de trabalho, onde reproduz as situações que viveu quando era mais nova. “Os profissionais que se autossabotam não olham a realidade nua e crua. Eles reagem negativamente, com base nas referências que adquiriram na vida” diz Silvio Celestino, diretor da consultoria Enlevo, de São Paulo. Há, basicamente, dois tipos de reação que levam ao comportamento prejudicial, segundo Mark Goulston, e os dois estão ligados ao medo.

No primeiro, a pessoa reage agressivamente quando se sente ameaçada. No segundo, ela foge. Evitar gol contra na carreira não é tarefa fácil. Além de prestar atenção às suas atitudes, o ideal é pedir ajuda a alguém mais experiente. Se chegar à conclusão de que anda se autossabotando, a recomendação é buscar a ajuda de um coach ou terapeuta. “Quem consegue se afastar disso tem mais sucesso na carreira”, diz Silvio Celestino. Para ajudar você a identificar se este é o seu caso, listamos 26 comportamentos presentes no livro de Mark Goulston. Confira e veja quais são as dicas para se livrar deles. A bola está com você.
